Display all Oracle Database Datafiles, tempfiles and logfiles and sizes for optimization

Investigating Your Oracle Database Files: A Breakdown for Optimization

This blog post delves into an Oracle Database code snippet designed to provide valuable insights into your database's storage and activity. We'll dissect its purpose, explain each component, and reveal key points to optimize your database's health and performance.

Sample SQL Command

 1set lines 100 pages 999
 2col name format a50
 3select	name, bytes
 4from    (select	name, bytes
 5	from	v$datafile
 6	union	all
 7	select	name, bytes
 8	from 	v$tempfile
 9	union 	all
10	select 	lf.member "name", l.bytes
11	from	v$logfile lf
12	,	v$log l
13	where	lf.group# = l.group#
14	union all
15	select	name, 0
16	from	v$controlfile) used
17,	(select sum(bytes) as p
18	from dba_free_space) free


The provided Oracle Database code generates a comprehensive report on various file types within your database, including:

  • Datafiles: These store the core data managed by your Oracle instance.
  • Tempfiles: Used for temporary storage during internal operations like sorting or query processing.
  • Logfiles: Track database activity for recovery and auditing purposes.
  • Control File: Holds crucial configuration information for your database.

By analyzing file sizes and activity logs, you can identify potential areas for improvement in your database's efficiency and resource allocation.


  1. Set Up:

    • set lines 100 pages 999: Sets the output to display a maximum of 100 rows per page, with a maximum of 999 pages. You can adjust these values based on your needs.
    • col name format a50: Defines the column named "name" to have a maximum width of 50 characters for better readability in the output.
  2. Data Acquisition:

    • The core functionality lies within the main SELECT statement. It utilizes a UNION ALL operation to combine results from four subqueries:
      • The first subquery retrieves file names and sizes (in bytes) for datafiles using the v$datafile view.
      • The second subquery retrieves file names and sizes for temporary files utilizing the v$tempfile view.
      • The third subquery joins v$logfile and v$log views to extract logfile names and sizes. It leverages a condition (lf.group# = l.group#) to ensure accurate pairing of logfile entries.
      • The fourth subquery retrieves the control file name and sets its size to 0, as its size isn't typically relevant for monitoring purposes.
  3. Result Consolidation:

    • The used alias assigns a name to the combined results from the four subqueries.
    • A secondary subquery, wrapped within another set of parentheses, calculates the total size of free space using the dba_free_space view. It aliases the result as p.
  4. Output:

    • The final / symbol signifies the execution of the query. The outcome presents a table with columns named "name" (file name) and "bytes" (file size). Additionally, a separate row might display the total free space available within the database.

Key Points and Insights:

  • This script provides a quick overview of your database's storage footprint, helping you identify potential areas for optimization, such as archiving inactive data or reclaiming unused space.
  • Analyzing logfile sizes can help gauge database activity and identify potential performance bottlenecks.
  • It's crucial to note that some views (v$views) referenced in the code might not be available in all Oracle Database versions. Consult your documentation for supported views in your specific version.

Additional Insights:

By regularly monitoring your database files with this code snippet or similar tools, you can gain valuable insights into:

  • Database growth trends: Monitor changes in datafile sizes to anticipate future storage needs.
  • Tempfile usage: Analyze temporary file usage patterns to identify potential bottlenecks related to sorting or query processing.
  • Database activity: Logfile sizes can indicate database workloads and potential areas for performance optimization.

By understanding your database's storage and activity patterns, you can proactively implement strategies to optimize resource allocation, improve performance, and ensure your database runs smoothly.


Data Dictionary and Dynamic Performance Views https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/23/cncpt/data-dictionary-and-dynamic-performance-views.html

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