Monitoring User-Specific SQL Activity in Oracle Database

Display the users current Session SQL

SQL Code

1Select sql_text
2from   v$sqlarea
3where  (address, hash_value) in
4(select sql_address, sql_hash_value 
5        from v$session
6        where username like '&username')

Sample Oracle Output:

1Enter value for username: sys
2old   6:         where username like '&username')
3new   6:         where username like 'sys')
5no rows selected


  • To retrieve and display the SQL text of all SQL statements currently being executed by a specific user within the Oracle database, providing insights into their activities, potential performance issues, and opportunities for optimization. This aids in troubleshooting, performance tuning, and security auditing.


Retrieving SQL Text:

  • select sql_text from v$sqlarea where (address, hash_value) in ...:

    • Queries the v$sqlarea view, which stores information about cached SQL statements.
    • Selects the sql_text column, which contains the actual SQL code.
    • Filters results based on a subquery to include only statements executed by the specified user.

Identifying User-Specific Statements:

  • (select sql_address, sql_hash_value from v$session where username like '&username'):

    • Subquery retrieves SQL addresses and hash values from the v$session view, which holds details about active sessions.
    • Filters for sessions owned by the user specified by the placeholder &username.
    • Correlates with v$sqlarea based on these addresses and hash values to match active statements to the user.

Key Points:

  • User-Centric Focus: Isolates SQL statements executed by a particular user for targeted analysis.
  • SQL Text Retrieval: Provides the actual SQL code for understanding user activity and potential issues.
  • Dynamic Views: Leverages v$sqlarea and v$session for real-time insights into active statements and sessions.
  • Placeholder for User Input: The &username placeholder allows for interactive specification of the user to be analyzed.

Insights and Explanations:

  • Troubleshooting:

    • Examining SQL text can help diagnose errors, identify inefficient queries, or pinpoint potential causes of performance bottlenecks.
  • Performance Tuning:

    • Analyzing user-specific SQL statements can guide optimization efforts, such as rewriting queries, adjusting database configuration, or creating indexes.
  • Security Auditing:

    • Monitoring user activity and SQL statements can detect unauthorized actions, potential vulnerabilities, or policy violations.
  • Customization:

    • Can be modified to filter for specific SQL patterns, execution times, or other criteria based on analysis needs.
  • Integration: Consider incorporating this code into database monitoring tools, auditing scripts, or troubleshooting workflows for proactive analysis.

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