Expand Your Oracle Database, Adding Redo Log File Members with ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE MEMBER

Expand Your Oracle Database: Adding Redo Log File Members with ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE MEMBER

Master the art of adding redo log file members in Oracle databases with ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE MEMBER. Optimize performance, redundancy, and database management.

Sample SQL Command

1alter database add logfile member '<filename>' to group <group>;

Purpose: Enhancing Oracle Database Resilience with ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE MEMBER

In Oracle databases, the ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE MEMBER command expands a redo log group by adding new redo log file members. Redo log files are crucial components of an Oracle database, serving as a "ledger" for all database changes and enabling recovery in the event of failures.

Why Add Redo Log File Members?

  • Enhanced Redundancy: Multiple members in a redo log group safeguard against data loss due to media failures.
  • Performance Optimization: Distributing redo log activity across multiple members can potentially improve performance.
  • Simplified Management: Adding members can ease maintenance tasks or accommodate database growth.

Code Breakdown

  • ALTER DATABASE: Initiates changes to the database configuration.
  • ADD LOGFILE MEMBER: Specifies the action – adding a redo log file member.
  • '<filename>': The exact file name (including path) where the new log file member will be created.
  • TO GROUP <group>: Indicates the redo log group (specified by its group number) where the member will be added.

Key Points and Considerations

  • Size Consistency: New members should generally match the size of existing members within the group.
  • File Location: Consider placing log file members across separate disks (if possible) to enhance fault tolerance.
  • Database Status: The database should be in ARCHIVELOG mode for most log file operations.


  • Redo Log Files: Store sequential records of all changes made to the database blocks for recovery purposes.
  • Redo Log Groups: A collection of redo log files. Oracle requires a minimum of two groups, and they cycle in a round-robin fashion.
  • Redo Log File Members: Individual files within a redo log group, offering redundancy.
  • ARCHIVELOG Mode: In this mode, Oracle archives old redo log files, enabling potential for point-in-time database recovery.


Oracle Documentation: ALTER DATABASE: https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/23/sqlrf/ALTER-DATABASE.html

Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration: https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/23/cncpt/index.html (for supplemental logging)

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