Monitoring ASM Operations in Oracle Database, Using the v$asm_operation

Monitoring ASM Operations in Oracle Database, Using thev$asm_operationView

SQL Code

1select *
2from v$asm_operation

Mount/dismount disk groups

1alter diskgroup all mount
1alter diskgroup data1 mount
1alter diskgroup all dismount
1alter diskgroup data1 dismount

Description of the Oracle Database SQL code:

Here's a description of the Oracle Database SQL code related to ASM operations and diskgroup management:

1. select * from v$asm_operation;

  • Purpose:

    • To retrieve detailed information about ongoing Automatic Storage Management (ASM) operations, including diskgroup mounts, dismounts, rebalances, and other maintenance tasks.
  • Key Points:

    • Provides visibility into the status and progress of ASM operations.
    • Useful for monitoring performance, troubleshooting issues, and planning maintenance activities.

2. Diskgroup Mount/Dismount Commands:

  • alter diskgroup all mount;

    • Purpose: Mounts all available diskgroups in the ASM instance, making their data accessible to the database.
  • alter diskgroup data1 mount;

    • Purpose: Mounts a specific diskgroup named data1, making its data accessible.
  • alter diskgroup all dismount;

    • Purpose: Dismounts all mounted diskgroups, preventing data access and potentially freeing up resources.
  • alter diskgroup data1 dismount;

    • Purpose: Dismounts the specified diskgroup data1.

Insights and Explanations:

  • ASM Operations: ASM manages diskgroups, which are logical collections of disks that provide redundancy and performance benefits.
  • Mounting: Diskgroups must be mounted before their data can be used by the database.
  • Dismounting: Dismounting makes data inaccessible but can be useful for maintenance or troubleshooting.
  • Selective Mounts/Dismounts: You can target specific diskgroups for mounts and dismounts as needed.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Regularly monitoring ASM operations using v$asm_operation can help identify potential issues, plan maintenance activities, and optimize performance.
  • Privileges: These commands typically require appropriate privileges, such as SYSASM or SYSDBA.
  • Impact on Database Access: Diskgroup mounts and dismounts can affect database availability and performance. Exercise caution and consider potential impacts before executing these operations.

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