Identifying Disabled Foreign Key Constraints in Oracle Database

Identifying Disabled Foreign Key Constraints in Oracle Database


This SQL query is designed to identify and list all disabled foreign key constraints within an Oracle database. It provides information about the table and constraint name for each disabled foreign key.

Sample SQL Command

 1set lines 100 pages 999
 2col	table format a60
 3col	constraint_name format a30
 4select	owner||'.'||table_name "table"
 5,	constraint_name
 6from	dba_constraints
 7where	status = 'DISABLED'
 8and	constraint_type = 'R'
 9and	owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
10order by 1,2


  • set lines 100 pages 999: This SQL*Plus command sets the output format for better readability.
  • col table format a60: Sets the column format for the "table" column to a width of 60 characters.
  • col constraint_name format a30: Sets the column format for the "constraint_name" column to a width of 30 characters.
  • select owner||'.'||table_name "table", constraint_name from dba_constraints: Selects the owner, table name, and constraint name from the dba_constraints data dictionary view.
  • where status = 'DISABLED' and constraint_type = 'R' and owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM'): Filters the results to only show disabled foreign key constraints (constraint_type = 'R') excluding system-owned objects.
  • order by 1,2: Orders the results by table name and constraint name.

Key Points:

  • The dba_constraints view contains information about all constraints in the database.
  • The status column indicates whether a constraint is enabled or disabled.
  • The constraint_type column specifies the type of constraint (primary key, unique, foreign key, etc.).
  • The query excludes constraints owned by the SYS and SYSTEM schemas.


  • Disabled foreign key constraints can impact data integrity and referential actions.
  • Identifying these constraints is crucial for database maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • The provided SQL query offers a straightforward way to locate disabled foreign keys.

Additional Considerations:

  • Consider using analytical functions or window functions for more complex analysis.
  • For large databases, indexing the dba_constraints view on relevant columns can improve query performance.
  • Always test SQL queries in a non-production environment before executing them in production.

By understanding this code and incorporating the provided insights, you can effectively identify and manage disabled foreign key constraints in your Oracle database.

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