Optimize Oracle Database Storage Analyze Rows per Block with SQL

Oracle Database: Understanding Rows per Block for Efficient Storage


This Oracle SQL query helps you analyze the average, maximum, and minimum number of rows stored within each data block for a specific table. Understanding this metric is critical for optimizing storage efficiency, query performance, and overall database health.

Sample SQL Command

1select    avg(row_count) avg
2, max(row_count) max
3, min(row_count) min
4from      (
5  select  count(*) row_count
6  from    &table_name
7  group   by substr(rowid, 1, 15)
8  )

Code Breakdown

  1. select avg(row_count) avg, max(row_count) max, min(row_count) min: Selects three calculated columns:

    • avg: The average number of rows per block in the table.
    • max: The maximum number of rows found in any single block.
    • min: The minimum number of rows found in any single block.
  2. from ( ... ): Executes a subquery to process data before calculating the final aggregates.

  3. select count(*) row_count from &table_name group by substr(rowid, 1, 15):

    • count(*) row_count: Counts the number of rows within each group.
    • from &table_name: Queries the specified table (you'll be prompted to enter the table name when executing the query).
    • group by substr(rowid, 1, 15): Groups rows based on the first 15 characters of their rowid. This effectively groups rows belonging to the same data block, as the first 15 characters of a rowid identify the block where the row resides.
  4. /: The forward slash is required in SQL*Plus or similar command-line tools to execute the query.

Key Points:

  • Data Block Analysis: Focuses on the fundamental unit of storage in Oracle, the data block, to understand row distribution.
  • Aggregate Statistics: Calculates and displays average, maximum, and minimum rows per block, providing a comprehensive overview.
  • Table-Specific Insights: Prompts you to enter the table name, allowing you to analyze any table in your database.


  • Storage Efficiency: Helps identify tables with low row density (few rows per block), indicating potential storage wastage.
  • Query Performance: High row density can lead to improved query performance as more rows are fetched with each block read.
  • Fragmentation Analysis: Large variations between maximum and minimum row counts might suggest fragmentation, impacting performance.
  • Ensure you have the necessary privileges to access the specified table.
  • Remember to replace &table_name with the actual name of the table you want to analyze.
  • Consider using tools like Oracle Enterprise Manager or performance monitoring solutions for deeper analysis and visualization of storage metrics.
  • By leveraging this SQL query, you gain valuable insights into how rows are distributed within data blocks, enabling you to optimize storage utilization, enhance query performance, and maintain a healthy Oracle database environment.


  • rowid: A unique identifier for each row in an Oracle table, containing information about the block where the row is stored.
  • substr(rowid, 1, 15): Extracts the first 15 characters of the rowid, representing the block ID.
  • group by: Groups rows based on the block ID, allowing you to count the number of rows within each block.
  • avg, max, and min: Aggregate functions calculate average, maximum, and minimum row counts across all blocks in the table.


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