Oracle Database Identifying Parent Tables for Repair or Re-import

Oracle Database: Identifying Parent Tables for Repair or Re-import


When working with Oracle databases, ensuring data integrity is paramount. Foreign key constraints play a crucial role in maintaining relationships between tables, but disabled constraints can signal potential issues that may require fixing or re-importing parent tables. This article dives into an SQL query designed to pinpoint such parent tables.

Sample SQL Command

 1select	distinct r.owner || '.' || r.table_name "exp"
 2from	dba_constraints c
 3,	dba_constraints r
 4where	c.status = 'DISABLED'
 5and	c.constraint_type = 'R'
 6and	c.r_owner = r.owner
 7and	c.r_constraint_name = r.constraint_name
 8and	c.owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
 9order by 1


  • select distinct r.owner || '.' || r.table_name "exp": This part constructs a string representing the fully qualified table name (owner.table_name) and labels it as "exp" for the output.
  • from dba_constraints c, dba_constraints r: We join the dba_constraints view with itself, using aliases c and r to distinguish between the child and referenced (parent) constraints.
  • where c.status = 'DISABLED': Focuses on constraints that have been disabled.
  • and c.constraint_type = 'R': Filters for constraints of type 'R', which stands for Referential integrity constraints (foreign keys).
  • and c.r_owner = r.owner and c.r_constraint_name = r.constraint_name: Ensures we're matching the child constraint to its corresponding parent constraint.
  • and c.owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM'): Excludes system-owned constraints to concentrate on user-defined tables.
  • order by 1: Sorts the output by the fully qualified table name for easier readability.

Key Points and Insights

  • Disabled foreign key constraints: Disabled constraints often indicate inconsistencies in the data, possibly due to issues during data loading or modifications.
  • Parent table identification: This query directly targets the parent tables associated with disabled foreign keys, highlighting potential trouble spots.
  • Remediation actions: The identified parent tables may need to be repaired by fixing the underlying data issues or re-imported with corrected data to re-establish referential integrity.


  • dba_constraints: This data dictionary view provides comprehensive information about constraints in the database.
  • Constraint types: 'R' signifies a Referential integrity constraint, enforcing relationships between tables through foreign keys.
  • Disabled constraints: Disabling constraints temporarily relaxes referential integrity checks, but should ideally be re-enabled after resolving any data inconsistencies.

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