Oracle Performance Tuning Deep Dive into Session Statistics with SQL

Oracle Database: Deep Dive into Session Statistics


This Oracle SQL query is designed to retrieve a snapshot of active session statistics for a specific session within your Oracle database. Session statistics provide invaluable insights into the current activity and resource utilization of a particular database session. This information is invaluable for performance monitoring, troubleshooting and capacity planning.

Sample SQL Command

2,       st.value
3from    v$sesstat st
4,       v$statname sn
5where   st.STATISTIC# = sn.STATISTIC#
6and     st.VALUE > 0
7and     st.SID = &SID
8order   by value desc

Code Breakdown

  1. select, st.value: Selects two columns:
  • Extracts the descriptive name of the statistic from the v$statname view.
  • st.value: Retrieves the current value of the statistic for the specified session from the v$sesstat view.
  1. from v$sesstat st, v$statname sn: Joins two crucial data dictionary views:
  • v$sesstat: Contains statistics for each active session.
  • v$statname: Stores the names and descriptions of all available statistics.
  1. where st.STATISTIC# = sn.STATISTIC#: Links the two views based on the STATISTIC# column, ensuring accurate mapping between statistic values and their names.
  2. and st.VALUE > 0: Filters the results to only show statistics that have a non-zero value, focusing on active metrics.
  3. and st.SID = &SID: Restricts the output to statistics for a specific session identified by its SID (Session ID). You'll be prompted to enter the SID when you execute this query.
  4. order by value desc: Sorts the output in descending order based on the value column, presenting the most significant statistics first.
  5. /: The forward slash is necessary in SQL*Plus or similar command-line tools to execute the query.

Key Points:

  • Data Dictionary Views: Utilizes the v$sesstat and v$statname views to access session-level and statistic metadata.
  • Active Statistics Filter: Focuses on statistics with non-zero values, highlighting active session activity.
  • Session-Specific Data: Allows you to target a particular session for detailed analysis.
  • Sorted Output: Presents statistics in descending order of value, prioritizing critical metrics.


  • Performance Monitoring: Helps identify resource-intensive operations or potential bottlenecks within a specific session.
  • Troubleshooting: Aids in diagnosing issues or unexpected behavior associated with a particular session.
  • Capacity Planning: Provides insights into session resource usage patterns, informing capacity planning decisions.
  • Ensure you have the necessary privileges to access the v$sesstat and v$statname views.
  • Remember that the SID (Session ID) is required to execute this query successfully.
  • For more comprehensive session monitoring and analysis, consider leveraging tools like Oracle Enterprise Manager or dedicated performance monitoring solutions.
  • By harnessing the power of this SQL query, you gain in-depth visibility into the inner workings of individual sessions within your Oracle database, empowering you to optimize performance, troubleshoot issues, and make informed decisions.


  • v$sesstat: This view captures a wealth of statistical information about each active session in the database.
  • v$statname: This view serves as a dictionary, mapping statistic IDs (STATISTIC#) to their corresponding names and descriptions.
  • The where clause with multiple conditions precisely targets the relevant session statistics.
  • The order by clause ensures that the most important statistics are presented first, facilitating quick analysis.


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