Oracle Segment Waits In-Depth Code Analysis and Insights using v$segment_statistics

Demystifying Oracle Segment Waits: In-Depth Code Analysis and Insights Using Oracle Table v$segment_statistics


In the realm of Oracle database performance tuning, understanding segment waits is crucial. Waits indicate areas where processes are contending for resources, potentially leading to bottlenecks. The code snippet we will explore helps pinpoint specific segments experiencing high waits, enabling targeted optimization.

Sample SQL Command

 1select  object_name
 2,       obj#
 3,       statistic_name
 4,       value
 5from    v$segment_statistics
 6where   owner like '&owner'
 7and     statistic_name like '%waits%'
 8and     value > 0
 9order   by statistic_name
10,       value desc

Code Breakdown

This code extracts information about wait events associated with specific segments owned by a given user (specified using the &owner substitution variable). It identifies segments with non-zero wait counts and presents the results sorted by the type of wait and the number of waits.

Key Points:

  • v$segment_statistics: This dynamic performance view provides statistical information about database segments, including wait-related metrics.
  • owner: The schema (owner) of the segments you want to analyze. Replace &owner with the actual schema name.
  • statistic_name like '%waits%': This condition filters for statistics related to wait events.
  • value > 0: Focuses on segments with at least one recorded wait event.
  • order by: Sorts the results by statistic name (wait type) and then by the number of waits in descending order, highlighting segments with the highest wait counts.

Insights and Explanations:

  • object_name, obj#: These columns identify the specific segment experiencing waits.
  • statistic_name: Indicates the type of wait event (e.g., 'buffer busy waits', 'enqueue waits', 'log file sync'). Different wait types suggest different performance issues.
  • value: Shows the number of waits associated with the segment and the specific wait type. Higher values indicate more contention for resources.

How to Use This Information:

  1. Identify High-Wait Segments: Look for segments with high value counts, especially for wait types known to impact performance (e.g., 'buffer busy waits').
  2. Investigate Root Causes: Use the identified wait types to research potential causes. Common issues include:
    • Buffer busy waits: Contention for data blocks, often indicating hot blocks or inefficient SQL.
    • Enqueue waits: Processes waiting for locks, potentially caused by lock conflicts or serialization issues.
    • Log file sync: Delays waiting for redo log writes to complete, which might be addressed by tuning log file parameters or improving disk I/O.
  3. Implement Solutions: Based on your findings, apply appropriate solutions such as:
    • SQL tuning to reduce logical I/O.
    • Application code changes to minimize lock contention.
    • Database configuration adjustments to improve I/O performance.


By understanding and analyzing segment waits, you gain valuable insights into your Oracle database's performance bottlenecks. This code snippet empowers you to proactively identify problematic areas and take targeted actions to enhance your application's efficiency and responsiveness.

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