Investigating Oracle Database Session Details for a Specific Operating System Process

Display Session status associated with the specified os process id

SQL Code

 1select	s.username
 2,	s.sid
 3,	s.serial#
 4,	p.spid
 5,	last_call_et
 6,	status
 7from 	V$SESSION s
 9where	s.PADDR = p.ADDR
10and	p.spid='&pid'

Sample Oracle Output:

1Enter value for pid: 9999
2old  10: and     p.spid='&pid'
3new  10: and     p.spid='9999'
5no rows selected


  • To obtain detailed information about a specific database session that's linked to a given operating system process ID (PID), enabling targeted troubleshooting, monitoring, or potential intervention.


Joining Views:

  • V$SESSION s, V$PROCESS p: Combines data from two key views:

    • V$SESSION: Provides details about active database sessions.
    • V$PROCESS: Contains information about Oracle processes running on the operating system.

Linking Sessions to Processes:

  • where s.PADDR = p.ADDR: Ensures accurate correlation between database sessions and their corresponding OS processes.

Filtering by PID:

  • and p.spid='&pid': Focuses the query on the session associated with the specified PID, enabling targeted analysis.

Retrieving Information:

  • select s.username, s.sid, s.serial#, p.spid, last_call_et, status: Fetches the following details:

    • s.username: Database user associated with the session.
    • s.sid: Session ID for unique identification.
    • s.serial#: Serial number within the session.
    • p.spid: Operating system process ID.
    • last_call_et: Time elapsed since the last database call from the session, indicating activity level.
    • status: Current status of the session (e.g., ACTIVE, INACTIVE).

Key Points:

  • Targeted Analysis: Focuses on a specific session based on its PID, enabling detailed examination.
  • Session-Process Relationship: Reinforces the connection between database activity and underlying OS processes.
  • Essential Information: Provides crucial details for understanding session behavior and potential issues.

Insights and Explanations:

  • Troubleshooting:

    • Can be used to investigate performance issues, long-running queries, or potential errors within a specific session.
    • Examining last_call_et and status can reveal inactivity or potential problems.
  • Monitoring:

    • Helps track session activity and resource usage for proactive management.
  • Intervention:

    • If necessary, allows for targeted actions on the session, such as terminating it or modifying its behavior.
  • Customization:

    • Can be adapted to filter for different criteria (e.g., username, status) or retrieve additional session attributes based on specific needs.

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