Oracle Database: Show Currently Executing SQL Statements
This Oracle SQL query allows you to monitor and view the SQL statements that are actively running in your database. It provides insights into the current workload and helps identify resource-intensive or long-running queries that might impact performance. …
Read MorePinpoint Resource-Hungry SQL in Oracle: A Performance Optimization Deep Dive
This Oracle SQL query is your go-to tool for identifying SQL statements that are putting a strain on your database resources. By analyzing execution statistics, it highlights queries that are consuming significant disk reads and buffer …
Read MoreShow all Active SQL for Sessions using v$session and v$sqlarea
Gain real-time insights into currently active user sessions and the SQL statements they are executing to troubleshoot performance issues and optimize resources
SQL Code
1set feedback off 2set serveroutput on size 9999 3column username format a20 4 …
Read MoreList all open oracle cursors by user or username
Track open cursor usage across user sessions to identify potential resource constraints or inefficiencies in database access patterns
SQL Code
1set pages 999 lines 300 2col username format a40 3select sess.username as username 4, sess.sid as sid 5, sess.serial# as …
Read MoreDisplay the users current Session SQL
SQL Code
1Select sql_text 2from v$sqlarea 3where (address, hash_value) in 4(select sql_address, sql_hash_value 5 from v$session 6 where username like '&username') 7/
Sample Oracle Output:
1Enter value for username: sys 2old 6: where username …
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